Producing how-to videos for early-mid career professionals
I film, edit, and produce quick (30s - 1min) videos geared towards equipping early career professionals with the mindsets, skills, and tools they need to grow. Topics include how to…
✔️ Boost your confidence
✔️ Stick to your goals
✔️ Step outside your comfort zone
✔️ Negotiate your starting salary
✔️ Choose a job that’s right for you
✔️ Empower women at work
I also collaborate with organizations & teams on custom, sponsored content specifically tailored to leveling up and motivating their members. Let’s work together, too!
“Our organization’s goal is to inject more professional development into our programming, and you’re just wayyy ahead of the curve! Everyone on our team is obsessed with your content. They are so clean and to the point. Really fabulous stuff. Everyone thinks so!”
“Really enjoying all the videos! Very applicable working in the tech space.”
“Just want to say, I am loving these little videos you’re putting together! I’m on the job hunt right now so finding them super helpful.”
“I’m negotiating my salary right now and found these videos SO helpful!”